Wherever you go, go with all your heart!
Follow your passion - and keep it burning!
That's our field experience from over three decades yet of conferencing, traveling and decision making. We strive to get the best out of the necessary by combining it with pleasure. That's why we have our meetings and conferences at great locations, meeting great people and create quality time! In the end it leads to superior decisions you wouldn't simply come up with at home.

What is it all about?
This webpage with all its content is basically a teaser; a teaser for all my groups to do it all again, to repeat what we've done before - and go beyond!

community first!
Communication and interaction is the key to success
Bella Italia, June 2024

fun second!
All work and no joy... - combined with some kind of challenge
Greece, April 2024

golfing for sure!
One day at the green is always mandatory - come hell or high water!
Cardiff, September 2024

get impressions!
See places, meet people and free your mind!
Kenya, February 2024

Making superior decisions
Whether it's investment decisions, technical business ideas or strategic considerations - conferencing in an outstanding environment within a harmonic group way from home is the key!
go for the best services
A successful event with full financial fire power is naturally demanding the best service
communication and interaction
In the center of everything is conversation and dynamic interaction
monitor all actions
Not only for safety reasons all movements and activities need to get conducted in a smart way
smart and sustainable traveling
Good, responsible governance is a must in these days, also by choosing the means of travel
quality time
Don't let grass grow under our feet - seize our precious time as best as it gets
mise en place
For a successful conference we choose the best preparation possible to make everything work - always having a "plan b" in the back pocket